Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Going Home!!
I get a C+ for my blok 4 result. As I said in faceboook, I’m definitely not going for the remedial. Who is stupid enough to go suffer twice? ( Apparently alot…)
Well, now I can only await Flight FY3413, 12.20PM, 18th of December. In the mean time, I have been exploring the other side of Medan, which is the place where most of my Indonesian friends lived at, near Thambrin. Not a bad place, but not much to describe about too.
Oh ya, We went for a movie, Storm warrior 2. For me, it’s confusing, stupid story line, and very annoying sword sound effect, it’s really hurting my ears, the sound effect is just too sharp. Giving a rate 1.5 out of 5. The only thing that can be watched is the fighting part.(Even its confusing)
P.S: No souvenirs is bought.. I ran out of money. Thanks to the stupid Maybank and my stomach. XP
Friday, December 4, 2009
My virgin bribe
My Visa B expired on 11th of December, but I’m going back at 18th. So I have to go to extend it within this week. Since the agent going to charged me for the 3rd time, I decided to do it myself la…
After filling up the forms, get all the letters and photos, head for immigration. At first, things went well, a little too well… Normally things went too well it will have problems pop up in the end. And it happens when we submit everything to the immigration.
Here is a little conversation between us.
Me : Bang, kapan bisa dapat balik passport?
Officer : 16th
Me : 16th dating ambil je?
Officer : Enggak, datang untuk bayar
Me : Jadi kapan bisa dapat passport?
Officer : 22nd
Me : 22nd!? Saya perlu balik M’sia pada 18th! Bisa tolong ya bang?
Officer: Besok dating balik untuk bicara dengan saya lagi ya… Saya sekarang ada( he said something that I
forgotten what is that)
The next day…
Me : Bang, passport yang kemarin nak majukan bang
Officer: Nama?
Me : Ching Jie Han dan Chandra Mala
(Searching for our files and whisper to us)
Officer : whisper* Kalau nak yang express, tambah 150k lagi.. Dengan biayaan visa 250k, semuanya 400k. Pergi sana, duduk, dan masukkan wang dalam file ni ya…
Put in money, hand over him all the stuff, and our extend will be done at 16th.
For your acknowledgement, here everything can be speed up by using money. Or should I say in all places in the world that involved politics or the stuff under the government.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Blok 3 down
Finally this bloody blok is done. But I think I might not do well or even fail in this blok. Reason 1, lazy. Reason 2, hard. Reason 3, having 3 subjects exam at the same time, non-stop, not even 5 minutes break!! If study for a subject, the other two will be gone.
Always left the bad things behind and move forward for the better. Right after the exam, 13 of us went for a lunch to celebrate the end of blok 3 at Nelayan. The dim sum is damn nice la… Just simply like it. Lesson learnt at Nelayan, only eat the dim sum is full enough, do not order any main dish. Sit, drink, eat, blabbering, take a few photos, then pay. Some technical problems has went wrong when collecting the money and has cause Calvin to lost a few thousands.
After lunch, we have a little walk then went to Amazon then got dragged into Gramedia (cause there are having a 30% discount there) Ahh… Discount… Always draw the girls attention…
After that, few of us get out of there, some went to Starbucks to enjoy coffee while me, Calvin, WW, David hit back to Amazon. Watch Calvin to play that dancing machine, Zero. His feet are moving damn fast la…
WW and David left before Calvin finish the game. After that the girls in Gramedia came up n all of us went for Karaoke. Not really enjoying that much cause its really really tired at that time…
Today. Went for movie(New Moon) at Paladium. The deepest impression to me is not from the movie but the situation in the cinema. Whenever there is Edward Cullen in slow motion, the crowd went crazy… What the hell… Is he that charming? And when Jaacob came out the crowd was booing at him… Please la… I wanna watch the movie… Conclusion, not as boring as people criticize. Maybe they just don’t get what the movie is showing about. I will give a rate 4 out of 5. Thanks Steven for sending us home. =P
Woohoo!!! 3 more weeks will get back to m’sia!! 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th 18th18th December!!!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
My luck drop with the currency of US dollar…
First my precious w850 having a bit problem with the screen, then it spread to the lights, follow by the button, eventually the whole upper part of it can’t be used at all… Sad… It had been accompany me for 2 years… It was my PMR present from my parents… Will send it to be fixed if it still can be fixed.
Second, the hardworking me had went for almost every class. Just when the day I started to get a little lazy and miss 2 classes, the lectural call out names one by one… Zzz… I mean if only once still acceptable la.. But twice? Speechless….
Third, the one that hurt the most… Since I can’t book the air ticket with my debit card, I ask some help from my senior, Ah Wong. He help me to send my information to his clerk (don’t ask me what clerk, even I don’t know). Then his clerk will help me to book. I mention to him I want to book at 18th December. Then things went wrong… Problems were not on the date but the price. The stupid air ticket has a sudden rise from RM156.95 till RM286.95!! WTF!!! Stupid firefly airline!!! And the funny thing is the price only rise for the particular day. Others remain the same… There is something I need to clarify. It’s not my seniors fault, it just the matter of my luck…
Fourth, I intend to go for a movie recently which turn out to be the most famous topic in the world now – 2012. But these days I m kinda busy so I planned to watch it in the coming days la… But then my friends told me that it might be banned soon because the MUI( I think is some Islamic association) thinks that the movie is putting the something about the Iman to a lower state. In easier way to said the just don’t want the Islam prophet( there is a prophet from the Islam bible about dooms day too) to look bad la…
Now I just hope things won’t went worse… Wait… In movies, whenever they said things won’t went worse, it always will. Better to said. “Is that all you got???”
The US dollar currency is raising slightly today. Hope that my lucky will rise along with it… I had enough of it…
P.S. no photo will be upload lately due to the broken phone issue...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Blok 2 done. But not really satisfying. Most probably need to remedial… T-T
Now just left blok 3 & 4 to go. Then is time to go home for some reunion. It’s going to be a very busy month but yet still boring. Hope all those assignments can kill some times… We will be having class form 7am till 12pm for 3 days, and another 3 days will be having form 7am till 3.30pm… Don’t need to feel by yourselves, even you just heard the time you know it’s suffering…
6 subjects need to be done for this blok within one month.
- Ilmu Kesehatan Anak
- Psikologi
- lmu Kedoktoran Gigi Anak
- Psikiatri
- Komunikasi Pasien-Doktor
- Pendidikan Masyarakat
As you guys can see. Still boring but there are tons of assignments coming up. We are having 4 assignments for one subject. 3 for groups and 1 for individual if not mistaken. Well, group work usually done by some people not included me. So 3 down 1 to go.
Mum, Dad, I want a motorcycle at here… More convenient for me to go around… I don’t want to stuck in my room all of the time…
Here some good news, I’m going back before Christmas!! Hooray!! Guys, free out some times for me when I get back, okay??
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Days getting boring n more boring..

Just love the rainy season in here… Rain once everyday and sometimes twice.. Even thing went so quiet when started to rain, other than the sound of rain drops and lighting, others things went silent..
Done the assigment for PI, it doesn’t take long, bout an hour done. Now just complete the power point then it’s a mission complete~
Everyday is the same.. Hardly have anything change in here.. Felt like a cropse rotting as times pass.. DAMN!! Its driving me crazy!! No body to chat with! No going out yam cha! No badminton! What had happen to my life!? God.. When go back to Malaysia I wanna go out everyday, play as much badminton as possible, Cheong K a!!!!!!
Blok 2 exam is coming within 2 weeks time. Well, at least now there is something that I can do. Study study study…. Time to borrow some notes from the others and study.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
End of the 1st blok, Beginning of the 2nd blok.
- KWN(something like m'sia studies but its indonesia's),
- Agama Buddha(I m had a very very friendly and nice lectural in the class) and
- ISBD(culture n stuff).
Been boring so far, but we was told in the coming blok it wil b more boring.
For the 2nd blok,
- Bahasa Indonesia(definately I m doom with this),
- Bahasa Inggris(as long as u didn't fail ur SPM, u wil do well),
- Filsafat(stil havnt figure out what is that),
- Komputer(i dunno how to press enter.. teach me pls..), and
- PI(learn bout the format format thingy)
Please... Time.. Moves faster.. Move fast til this blok ends..
At Monday, I went to watch "Final destination 4" with my U's friend. Its not a bad movie, IF u like bloods and watching people suffer before they die.
Lunch at City..(Forget whats the restaurant's name, Will post it when i found out.)
Friday, August 21, 2009
I love Malaysia...
The day i left M'sia for my studies. 4.30am i woke up and reach the LCCT airport around 6am. As soon as i reach there, the 1st thing i do is put on the mask(H1N1) ma....
Then i went for the air ticket and put the luggage in. After settle everything, me and my family went to Old TOwn to have our breakfast..
Til 7.20am, its time for me to leave. At the departure, i hug my family and try to hold my tears.I sucessfully hold it til i gt into the departure. But along the road walking to the plane,
Tears just silde out easily when i think about my family n friends..I won't be togather with them for a long long time.. People who care me, pampered me will not be with me.. I will be totally alone to face the challenges..
I miss my family.. I miss my friends.. I wanna get back to M'sia....
I reach at indonesia time 7.55am. The agent's partner at here pick all of us up at the airport. At first i still complain bout the hostel. But after i heard what the senoir pay for and what they get, my batch is kinda lucky.
Then i went in for registeration n stuff.. Skip the University's oreintation.( the oreintation is very scary de.. You just cant imagine what they wil do..)
At Sunday, there is a Malaysian oreintation. I felt its kinda bad but the senior told me indonesia orentation is much much worse than this. (lucky we skip it. :D)
O. And the people here are very very friendly. The senior take very very good care of us. The local chinese are also very friendly and help us on the language here. Thx ya.
Few things that i don't like bout here
Too salty(stil ok with it), too sweet( i like sweet), too spicy( they even have raw chillies for breakfast....)
The road at here belongs to then one who is driving on it. They don't need to take a look when they are get into the road.(crazy drivers...)
3.Way they handle things.
Everything will be delay delay n delayed. To speed things up, just put some money in your hand and shake your hand with those people.
I have just recovered from diarrhea n fever.. Damn suffering la...
ps. Photos will be upload in a few days time.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
This is how my busy life starts...
I went to register for the college and there is three ways to get into it.
- Going trough an agent
- Direct register with the college
- Sneak in!! XP
So now the problem start. Just in case you guys don't know, my mum always has a big calculator behind her head. So she starts to compare the price, which is the cheaper. Because of this particular reason, I had ran down to the college alone n back to Rawang for.....(Sorry, I lost count on it.)
Now we just skip of the choosing part, okay?? I afraid that i have to many to talk about and it may ruin my mum's image. XP
Conclusion, I'm going trough agent.
On the day that my mum decide, my poor dad had to drive us to Jalan Klang Lama even he just back from his whole day, tiring, sun-burning, muscle-aching work. Poor dad...
The agent had able to convince my parents to take a super duper fast course. Finishing the foundation at mid of July and going Indonesia at August. I was like.. WAO..
People use minimum 8 months to study the foundation and I had to just one and a half months for it?? Is it possible for me to do in such a bloody short period??
My agent, Dr. Ho, said,'I based on your result, I believe, you can.' =.='
And then he said,' IF you really feel like you can't catch up with your class, I can still change you back to the long term class. So, why don't give it a try??' (Of course he said that la.. He is not the one who pay for my course and entrance exam..)
Anyway, I had give myself a try in it la.. If i win this bet, I can save a year's time and come out to work. If i can't make it, I just walk back the road I should be taking only ma..( Or I can blame my agent for everything. XP). So it's not a silly idea to give it a try, right??
So that's how my busy college life started. I need to learn what they have learnt, did what they have done. That's why few weeks ago i don't have much time to online.
Now I just finish my assignment 4 days ago, and tomorrow I'm having my entrance exam..
Wish Me Luck!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
The 100th day of my uncle's death
I have went 2 visit my my uncle on his 100th day after he pass away...
When he pass away, I still trapped in the National Service..
So the last time I saw him was in Chinese New Year.
Even at that time he looks awfully ill..
Rest in peace....
Well, after the sad part, lets look at the interesting moments on that day.
Some place that i would like 2 be buried when I die .
(cause lots of neighbours. XP)
All my uncle's siblings had came back for this day.
As a sign of respect n love for my uncle..
My aunt(my dead uncle's wife) hired a nun.
So there were some ritual stuff going on.
P.S " It was not a disrespect, just the sun was 2
hot. I repeat, NOT DISRESPECT"
Erm.. i mean send some valuables to my
uncle by burning it.
Oh. n I had saw my cousin's baby for the 1st time.
Looks a bit dumb.. XP
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
What can u do in a windy day??
I hav been thinking of making a kite, fly it, n enjoy the wind.
So, me n my exam coming bro decide 2 hav a little kite flying competition.
- both sides use same amount of materials(i think mayb adding a little more i wont b found out either..)
- any disturbance is nt allow( do u think i care??)
Winning Condition
- as long as d kites is able 2 fly
First, we r given bout 6 sticks, 2 exercise book size paper, glue, strings, n cellafone tape.
Here's some kite building pic.(tats my bro)
He had came up with a kite which he said its full of scientific calculation, sumthing bout aerodynamic bla bla bla bla.....
Bt end up he had 2 rely on a plastic bag 2 fly his so said kite...
Here is my kite.
Wat i build is a classic kite, without any scientific proof it will fly. juz simply build it with some modification.
Flying time~
Well, as u can see. both kites r stupid enuff.
we don't really even sure would it fly.
so there is onli 1 way 2 find out.
Fly it!
Bt it ends out.....(tats my doggy)
So, tats all for d kite competition.
We both agree 2 switch it into 2 kite toughness competition.
See whose kite is tougher by surviving from d jaw of my doggy.
blogspot~ blogspot~
Cuz i m 2 Boring!!!!
there is bout 2 whole months til i start bek 2 study either i gt matrix or nt.
Therefore, i had 2 find sumthing 2 do b4 studying so tat d time pass faster.
Instead of playing games, i think tat mayb blogging might help me 2 gt my English improve abit.
Hope tat i wil b able 2 speak in english with others in a much fluent English.